Transactional Funding Miami

Transactional Funding Miami

Transactional Funding Near Me


Generally it is difficult for investors and wholesellers to get short-term loans quickly. This can be critical if a great potential deal is on the short term horizon. A lot of these short term loans are with unscrupolous lenders with super high interest rates and bad terms. Potentially, a transaction funding is a better choice in most cases for financing real estate transactions and other investment opportunities. Let us take an educated look at this as an option.

What is Transactional Funding

Transactional Funding is also known as "same day funing" or "flash funding". This is a specialized financial procedure which investors get very short term loans to complete transactions. These short term loans are paid back extremely quickly. In most cases these loans are paid back within a day or week time frame. The loans are paid back with profits from purchase of the property. These alternative forms of financing, investors and wholesellers are used to buy and sell high profit properties without risking their own savings.

How We Work

What's In the News

The National Association of Real Estate Brokers

The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) is a trade organization and network of Black real estate professionals known for promoting “democracy in housing” and advocating for public policies that “protect and expand sustainable homeownership.”

The organization’s members, who go by the title of Realtist, are spread throughout chapters across the United States. NAREB’s Realtist membership includes real estate brokers as well as professionals from other disciplines within the real estate industry such as mortgage brokers and appraisers.

“NAREB is the premier network of Black Real Estate Professionals,” NAREB President Lydia Pope said. “Our purpose is to enhance the professional and business conditions of NAREB Realtist members by strengthening the consumer capacity of Black, minority, and emerging target market segments that our Realtists serve.”

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